Bank Account Opening
Our firm offers clients bank account opening services (business and personal) with the most reliable banks in a number of countries. Bank accounts can be opened in all major currencies such as US dollar, euro and pound sterling in the fastest possible way. Services offered by most banks we associate with include internet banking, credit and debit cards, chequebook, telephone banking.

Worldwide Bank Account Opening
A worldwide bank account is that which is opened in a different country under different jurisdictions as the residence of the account holder. The main purpose of such account is of legal and financial nature, where the advantages of creating an offshore facility are appealing to individuals and organisations worldwide. The main benefits are: grater privacy, low or zero taxation and security against local political and financial unpredictability experienced in the holders country of domicile. Today, banking over-seas has become much more efficient with the introduction of internet banking and worldwide accepted debit and credit cards.
It is essential to have the accessibility to a foreign bank account, not only for international business but also financial ownership structure of any well-established businessman. In order to guide and assist our customers, we work closely with international leading banks, in various different countries of which we carefully find the appropriate bank for every customer.
Here at ST.SIMPLY TRUST LTD we maintain relationships with international and local banks to facilitate customer applications, depending of course on their different needs.
Establishing and managing multiple organisations bank accounts can be easier than anticipated. Common practices of bank account opening and management are easy and paper-based, creating an inefficient and time-consuming environment. Here at S.T SIMPLYTRUST LTD supports the application of automated and streamlined account processes via (eBAM) electronic bank account management.
Through our Account Management Services, you can monitor closely via secure and convenient channels, any bank account transaction, wherever you may be.
As a trust company, we have the knowledge and ability to simplify bank account opening, maintenance and operation of corporate and private banking through our widely spread network and connections to international financial centres.
Our group has established its own EMI (Electronic Money Institution); at SIMPLYDIGITALPAY we offer a wide range of payment solutions, to individuals and diversified corporations so our customers can enjoy a user-friendly purchasing experience.
We aim to set a high standard in customer satisfaction, employee engagement, social responsibility and shareholder value by building a successful online society.
Our sole mission is to provide clients with personalized, efficient and competitive-priced financial services while implementing reasonable policies, which will benefit our customers, shareholders, and communities we serve.
For more information, please visit our EMI website: